Mens Conference

Golf Tournment

The annual Men’s Conference hosted by First Church Nashville is a wonderful time of spiritual growth and strengthening for men from around the region as together we pursue biblical manhood. For the past several years, the pre-conference golf tournament has become a highly anticipated time of fellowship for many who are attending the conference. This year, the tournament will be hosted by the student ministry (VSM) and the bible quiz teams from First Church. All proceeds will go to support the international efforts of Sheaves for Christ and the local efforts of our Bible Quiz teams.

We are looking forward to returning to GreyStone Golf Club for this year’s tournament. The field will be limited to the first 100 individual golfers (or 25 teams) that register. We are looking forward to a wonderful tournament this year and we hope that you will make every effort to attend. Note that lunch is included in the registration fee.

Again, we look forward to the great time of Christian fellowship that this tournament provides. Please register prior to the deadline as we have to make firm commitments to the course. See you on the tees!

Thanks and God Bless!
Tournament Competition Committee

$60 Per Person

Golf Tournment Registration
(If you Register Multiply Players at once we will contact you for each individual name)

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