With diverse interests in Christian entertainment, live production and Worship Technology, as well as over three decades of combined experience in the professional audio, broadcast and live production industry Nashville Teleproductions, Inc. is a respected leader with a proven track record. Now representing most major brands of professional audio, video and multimedia equipment the company is poised to become a leader in the Systems Integrations Industry and is also a preferred dealer for Perdue Acoustics, a leading manufacturer of acoustical treatment and solutions.
Designs involve the coordination of architectural and theatrical lighting, projection screens, projection equipment, cameras, video support, audio equipment and acoustic treatment! From its offices in Franklin, Tennessee the company services most of North America with projects recently completed in Florida, California, Mississippi, Illinois, Tennessee and Arkansas. A new era of advanced technology has raised the bar of expectation in quality presentation. Nashville Teleproductions is the perfect choice for congregations expressing a far more sophisticated musical appetite. The company is more than an equipment vendor and has the experience and knowledge to analyze, evaluate and recommend with confidence the perfect solution to your audio, video and multimedia needs. If you are in a building program or simply expanding and upgrading the facility you have, Nashville Teleproductions can help. Free consultation is available and only a phone call away! For more information call 1-800-883-1772 or 615-599-2108