My wife and I have been involved with the primary class at First Church in Nashville for several years. In the summer of 2010, the Lord impressed me to start a prayer cloth ministry with our Sunday School class. I’ve learned when the Lord leads you to do something, and especially when he places a sense of urgency upon it, you should do it right away and so I did not hesitate. On my way to church on Sunday, I stopped by the store and bought a few packs of handkerchiefs. I took them to the auditorium and anointed them with oil. During my class I explained to the students and shared scriptures with them about what we were going to do. I had the children lay hands on the cloths and pray over them. They likewise did not hesitate.
Our first prayer cloth was given to a lady at church. She had been unable to attend church because of severe pain. The following Sunday she was in our Sunday School class testifying about how she had been pain free since she received the prayer cloth. We saw four answered prayers and miracles the first week and for the next several weeks to follow. I began to write down each one on our board as the testimonies came in, not knowing just how much God would do. In my human nature, I thought this would only last for a few weeks or a few months and then possibly fade away. It still continues today. At a prison service one Saturday night, I was able to testify to the men about what God was doing in our class. We had already witnessed around 20 miracles, healings, and answered prayers. After the service, an inmate came up and asked if we’d pray for his brother. He told me his brother had throat cancer, was on dialysis, and the doctors weren’t sure if he would make it. I told him our class would pray the next morning, and we did. Two weeks later the inmate approached me again at service and said his brother was off the dialysis and the doctors could find no signs of throat cancer. Trooper Hagan shared with the class what had happened at school that week. He said that one of his friends had such a headache he could not raise his head in class. He came to him, laid his hand on him, and prayed. A few minutes later the boy was up helping the class.
One of the men at church asked for a prayer cloth fro his sister. She had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Ever since she received that prayer cloth, she has had no more symptoms of the disease.
We have seen financial situations turn around. People that were jobless have received jobs all because of faith and prayer. God is doing only what God can do. We have seen many tumors either disappear or found out they were benign and in need of no treatment. We’ve seen backaches healed, allergies go away, and people still alive more than a year later after the doctors sent them home with stage 4 cancer, no hope, and only a little while to live. The students always pray and believe that God will work a miracle.
We as teachers and preachers don’t hesitate to preach Acts 2:38 but there is power that comes with the Holy Ghost and I believe we need to start preaching and teaching that power too. Amber Palmore asked for a prayer cloth for her sister. The doctors had informed the family that she would never walk without the aid of a walker or braces. I had watched this little girl come to church with braces on her legs, but shortly after receiving the prayer cloth she was running through the church without the aid of any device.
We now have saints coming to our classroom asking for the students to lay hands on them and pray for them. One was diagnosed with dementia and was healed after prayer. God wants to have a mighty move, and He is looking for anyone willing to believe and reach out and say, “I’ do believe.”
Shortly after we started the prayer cloth ministry my son, who was 9 at the time, told me he had a dream that we would not have enough prayer cloths for everyone. This is just the beginning.
When my students heard the story was going to be in the Voice, Matthew Starkey said he wished we could put a prayer cloth in each one so everyone could have one. The students are looking for ways to reach out and witness to others and I believe this is just another avenue God is going to use.
So you will find attached to this article a prayer cloth that more than twenty 8 and 9-year-old boys and girls have prayed over. God can and will supply your needs. Mark 10:13-14 says, “And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”
We never hear any more about those children but I can only imagine what their lives were like after the touch of the Master’s hand. God not only wants to touch our children, but He also wants to use them. Let’s bring our children to Him so He can touch them and use them. Let’s not be the ones who hold them back.
We ask that you pray for our class and that God continues to use these children and this ministry. And we would ask that WHEN God gives you what you need, after receiving this prayer cloth, please share your testimony with us for God’s glory.