Testimony! Wanted to give you a report for your class on the prayer request for John S. from Tennessee. As of last Wednesday they had taken all the IVs and feeding tube out and called the family in. He was incoherent and we were preparing for death. As of today he is awake, able to take in liquid nutrients on his own, is talking, and is able to be wheeled around the hospital. The doctors called in the family and had given him until Sunday night to live. While he still needs prayers he has come a long way. Thank you for praying.
Hey brother. An update on John S. from Tennessee. He is out of the hospital and in a rehab facility. He was able to go to church last week. He was at the VA hospital and when he was at his worst they went to far as to have someone come into his room and play taps to honor him in preparation for his death. It truly is a miracle.
Charlotte O.
My brother Danny went to hhave his test today .....things r looking better no surgery .....they told him in sept that he would have to have surgery because things would prigress more but it hasnt im gonna beleive Jesus REPORT ......Thanks for all your prayers and the sunday school kids .....God us abd will complete his work.....in Jesus name .....
Mary P.
Alayna was born on 2/14/08. When she was 3 months old we had began to notice some differences. She waa not hitting certain milestones for her age. We continued to watch her and realized that there was something going on. Alaynas dr decided close to a year we needed to have some testing done. So we had physical therapy and occupational therapy come to the house. The conclusion came that she was developmentally delayed. She was not able to walk had very low muscle tone in her body. We began therapy ,pt and ot. Alayna had to start wearing braces on her feet for support. The older and stronger she became the physical therapists try to get her to walk with a walker. Alayna had anxiety also which contributed to her problems of balance and tone. I remember one day the pt therapists looked at me and said " don't rule out the possibility of a wheelchair" . My heart sunk . Amber was in the Barlars Sunday school class at the time and they had just begun when children pray. She was so excited when she handed me the prayer cloth and said they had prayed for alayna to walk and she knew God was gonna heal Alayna. We put the cloth under Alaynas mattress and continued to trust in God! It wasn't a few weeks later Autumn,Amber,Alayna,one of Amber's friends, and myself were at target shopping Alayna was standing beside me holding on then I felt her hand let go of mine and she walked towards the girls. For the first time she had walked without any assistance. I'm sure the people in target thought we were nuts because all of us had dropped to our knees and we're in tears! God continues to work through Alayna. Now there are no braces or walkers. She runs and dances and loves to worship the lord! Thank you Jesus for your healing powers!
Dan is in Remission! God is a Healer! Shelia H.
Shelia S. I asked for prayer a few weeks ago for God to bless our business. Since then, we have been more busy than we have been in awhile and are able to pay our bills. Thank you for the prayers and thank you Jesus for the blessings
Lori A.
Prayers for my Mom sure did get answered!!! The Dr's figured out how to FIX that aneurysm!!!! Along with so many other requests that have been worked out to be blessings when it was all said and done with! Thank you and your class for your prayers!
Catherine R.
I have asked for prayer for my kidney health and these precious children have prayed for me and my health has stabilized. With continued prayer, I know I will remain healthy. I KNOW the power of prayer and especially CHILDREN.....Thank you and God bless you ALL....
Cathy L.
The peace that comes from knowing that a class of amazing youth and their leaders are praying surpasses everything else. The answered prayers are bountiful, but the one that stands out is the one regarding my health and the decision we struggled with over going to Jacksonville. God answered mightily and I am healthier today than I have been in five years. No cancer recurrence. Diabetes coming under control. Even a change in my pain regimen. Thank you to all who pray faithfully each week.
Tammy J.
Well he's done a total 360 on logan something to be very happy about!!!!
Linda N.
Ive been truly blessed with your prayers , GOD BLESS, and thank yall.
Becky P.
Jerry Barlar, several months ago I asked that you pray for my brother who was suffering with pancreatitis. After 6 months in the hospital (yes 6), he came home with drain tubes and a pic line. He continued to have IV antibiotics twice each day. He had physical and occupational therapy numerous times a week. I praise God that he is free of all tubes and no longer on any medication! At one time the doctors didn't know if he would live! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! He promised that if we prayed in Jesus name and believed He would do what we asked! Please tell your kids how much our family appreciates their faithfulness and prayers! Thank YOU for your leadership and faithfulness!
Susan J.
Your precious Sunday school kids prayed for me several times in January. I had been very sick for over a month. My prayers have been answered and I am feeling great. Thanks so much.
Tracy J.
I needed Gods favor in a situation and I asked for prayer and 2 weeks later I got a positive report!!
Lisa K.
Jerry, I've asked prayers for a long time for my family. God is good!! Please continue to pray that my son Jacob stays the strong man he is today. Thank you.
Harriet M.
You have always prayed for me and I have had many answers to pray yes God has touched my body with my diabetes and arthritis thank you so very much keep me always in your prayers love you all
Kimberly L.
I asked for prayers for my husband because he was having surgery. Not only did he come through surgery..he has improved faster than expected! Thank you for your support and prayers
Dinah C.
Praising the Lord, first for the blessing of your classes prayers on my requests. You have prayed for my nephew Andy Madison and he is coming to church and working on commenting to God. And you've prayed for my great-nephew Tyler L. He is having many better days and is sleeping better. Thank you all for your work for the kingdom, God is hearing and answering your prayers!
Judy L.
I look forward to your request post and I am thankful for all of you taking the time to pray for the needs In my life.God is good and where 2 or mor are gathered asking in his name he will answer you are doing a mighty work and you have blessed me. May God continue to use your prayer group. Thank you and God bless you all
Gordon D.
Mr. Barlar, though I have never met you, your life has blessed mine as your testimony lived out publically and the impact you have upon your children's Bible class will have lasting values for eternity. Thanks for leading the children to pray for needs of others. I have been fortunate over the past couple of years to have shared request via this medium knowing that you along with the children would pray and God as always answered according to His will and way. Thanks and God bless as He continues to use you to shape and mold many a young life for His glory. Would love to have the privilege of meeting you in person one day, but if not we will meet in glory.
Brenda C.
Jerry I want to thank you for the Prayers that have been said over me and my family over the years. Never too great or small God Always supplies our needs. Whether it be a headache or a car wreck God has always taken care of the situation and it's b/c of the Prayers that was Prayed through You and Your Class. I love You All and God does too, Thanks Again.
Davis N.
Many people prayed for me (most I did not know) during my cancer ordeal in 2010-2011. Not only has God answered the prayers, but he has also provided medical science with new technologies to keep me in remission. Prayers are answered!
Lisa J.
My first Blessing was just getting to " find" you. I feel God truly placed you in my life for me to have a Christian(s) friend /prayer partner. Y'all prayed me thru my Total Knee replacement , that has and is successful . My daughter had a healthy pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy baby boy on April 7th. I'm still a work in progress but your friendship and prayers have really made a difference! Thanks for all you do and your Wonderful Example ! You truly are a Light in this dark world!
Janet S.
Not enough room here to express the Sexton family thanks for this ministry! A successful neck surgery with such quick and almost painless recovery that the doctors commented on at every visit. Job interventions and new jobs. Hands of protection on my kids and more!
Joy C.
I had a very weird, constant and strong pain in my hand one Saturday. I was like…Lord, what now, what is this? I asked for prayer from your class that evening…by Sunday afternoon all the pain left and hasn't been back! I love your class prayer…their faith brings forth miracles! I know this didn't get to you in time for you to share this Sunday…but maybe you can pass it on next Sunday!
I have a PRAISE REPORT....I been requesting prayer for my nephew Andy M. and last Sunday morning he was baptised in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost! Thank you soooooo much for praying. God bless you and your class! Dinah C.
Hi Jerry. This is a praise item. I had asked prayer for my brother Richard who was very ill. The hiccups were considered life-threatening because they had been going on for over a week and they couldn't stop the diaphragm spasms.. He had other health issues as well. During the day Sunday, he realized his hiccups had not been as frequent. They had been so bad he couldn't say two words without hiccups. By Sunday night he was able to get the first night of sleep since it had started. By Monday afternoon he could carry on a normal conversation and his respiratory infection was greatly improved. He is totally well now. Praise God for His healing power and for you and your prayer warriors. Gloria S.
The lady named Tisha I asked prayer for is off of the ventilator, recovering, and getting ready to come home! Kimberly D.
On February 3, This little girl is Adalynn was born super early. She weighed a whopping 1 lb and was 12 1/2 inches long. After I requested pray for her with your class this precious sweet girl reached 3lbs and 10 1/2 ounces in no time and was even taken off of oxygen and is starting to drink half bottles. She is deffently a miracle because of prayers being made and God answering those prayers. As of today 3/31/2015, Adalynn's Mother just called the hospital and they told her Adalynn is now 3 pounds 14 ounces. She's 39 grams short of 4 pounds!! Tomorrow she should hit 4 pounds. They say most babies can go home at 4 pounds but it is more her health and her learning to take a bottle. She gets tired taking a bottle because she just came off her oxygen Everyone is so thankful Adalynn and her mom Ashley are a lot better! Now just a countdown for this sweet girl to get to come home! So PLEASE continue to pray for this precious baby. God is really moving!! And tell you class that the prayers they pray for others are really working and blessing so many. Thank You Jerry for all that you and your class do. All of you are truly a blessing!!!! !st pic is when she was born and 2nd is her now. Sandra B.
L. B.
Ok, here goes:
I was really sick in August. I couldn't eat and had more complications for a month. I went to the ER so many times that I lost count and was admitted to the hospital for 3 days the first time and 4 days the second time.
They thought I had diverticulitis.
Shows you how much a CT scan can do. 😞
Finally, I was unable to even get liquids down... this was in the first week of September. I would vomit up anything I would drink. I assumed, logically, that it was because my intestines were obstructed.
I saw the gastroenterologist on a Monday and he confirmed my suspicion and told me to go directly to the ER. I had to have surgery.
They performed a 4-hour surgery on me and removed my large intestine.
They, of course, following protocol, sent it to pathology. The results? Cancer.
The tumor had split apart my large intestine... ruptured it... and had spilled fecal matter into my abdomen.
By the time they operated on me, I was in septic shock. My internal organs were shutting down.
I was in ICU for 4 days. After I was moved to a regular floor, I was in the hospital for a total of two weeks.
I had to learn to walk again. I was so weak.
I lost 50 lbs.
My prayer warriors brought me through this, I strongly believe!
Thank God for them!
I am the luckiest lady alive!
Mary M.
How about a little more God-driven, good news? Please let your precious Prayer Warriors know that their prayers were answered concerning the legal/financial issues I’ve been embroiled in since my stepson’s death this past October.
The estate attorney called to let me know that she had received a letter stating that the foreclosure is postponed until May, instead of proceeding on March 26. This delay allows my husband’s probate to come to a close and will finally give me access to capital, which has been frozen during the probate process. The bottom line: the delay gives me time to get the money needed to pay the back mortgage payments and attorney fees so that my grandson will have a place to live – and NOT with me! 😊 I was very hesitant to ask them and you to pray for something like this when there are so many people who need healing and face much more difficult obstacles than what Josh and I are facing. However, I had done everything humanly possible to work with the mortgage company and the foreclosure attorney, including saying my own prayers. After multiple roadblocks trying to reach resolution, I knew that I needed prayers lifted in mass in order to get them to be a tad empathetic and work with me to prevent the pending foreclosure. From the bottom of my grateful heart, thank you. And, please extended my heart-felt thanks to those very special young men and women who are working miracles through God because of their faith and prayers. May God continue to bless you and your youth ministry.
Jerry B.
Hi Jerry wanted to share a praise. Our friend Cindy M. has been declared "cancer free" by her doctors. Please share with your prayer warriors. God Bless you all.
Michelle S.
Sure. Voluntary transfers in M. Schools has become more difficult in the past few years. It's hard to move schools. I only applied to go to two other schools for this coming year. I know the principal at one pretty well because I taught her niece and that's where the kids I teach go to school the next year. She offered me an 8th grade literacy position and I accepted it but then I felt like I was going to throw up on the way home and didn't sleep all night. I just didn't have peace about it so I called her the next morning and told her that as much as I wanted it to be a fit (because I REALLY wanted to teach there), I just didn't think it was the right placement for me. She was very gracious about it and we are still on good terms. So after that, I decided to just stay at G. The principal at B. (who I've never met) emailed me the last week of school about a 6th grade position and I told him I was just going to stay at G. Well, last Wednesday, he emailed me back and said he knew I had decided to stay at G. but a 5th grade position had opened up at B. I called him the next day and it is 5th grade only teaching math. That's a dream job for me and B. is only about 2 miles from my house. At this point, my current principal had to release me from my position. I called her and she was very nice about it. She could have said that I couldn't transfer. The B. school principal emailed her and Human Resources and I had an email in about an hour saying I was moved to B. school. The B. school principal said he had never had that happen so fast and he still hasn't met me and really didn't interview me. I asked him some questions and told him I would take the job. He said he hired me based on my reputation and what people have told him about me. I've NEVER heard of a situation happening like this before. I still won't be able to meet him until June 29th. He was on vacation this past week (that's why he couldn't meet in person) and we're leaving tomorrow and won't be back until the 26th. I have COMPLETE peace about this move. I've only taught at 2 schools in 22 years so for me to move now is a big deal and a little scary but I'm so excited about only teaching one subject next year and if I had to choose, Math would have been my first choice! Thanks for being so diligent in asking for prayer requests each week. And tell your class thanks for the prayers!
Trish C.
Thank you so very much for the prayer cloth Sunday. I can't begin to tell you what God is doing in my life this week.
Bro Jerry just wanted to share this PRAISE report with you.
First I want to thank God, then I want to thank you and the children for the Anointed prayer cloth you gave me on 5/20/12. On 5/18/12 I was informed by my primary physician after many test that I had type 2 diabetis, Emphysema, moderate Plaque build up on both Left and Right Carotoid arteries. On 6/21/12 I went through 4 1/2 hours of intense Cardiac and everything turned out GREAT. Today 6/26/12 I went to Pulmonologist and went through several more testing and the end result was, I have NO SIGNS OF EMPHYSEMA. I am not saying that back in May it didn't show all that, but I can say that on the 20th of May, 2012 I was healed in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!!
Trish C. Bro Jerry just wanted to let you know that my BFF Judy M. that your class has been praying for and the prayer cloth you gave to us for her is working. She went today to find out that there is No stages to the Multiple Myeloma she has. She started Chemo injections today and will get them for 6 months plus a steroid pill. Then she will have Stem Cell. Dr Shipley told her she was gonna live a long time. She said she was gonna send a check for the Childrens Ministry because she wants to give thanks to God for what the doctor had to tell her and to thank your class. So again Thank you and your class but above all I give God the Glory.
Nancy S.
Testimony to give you. THE Dr told yesterday that they can not find any trace of the Multilple cancer in my body now were but I still have to get the Transplant in December.
Lou S.
Hi Jerry, I know you are a Godly man and surround yourself with Godly people. Many times I have asked for prayers from your Sunday school class and God has always listened. Today, I need Prayer Warriors! My nine year old granddaughter has to testify in court tomorrow to keep her biological father from gaining custody. He is an alcoholic drug user, no job or place to live.... Pray that the truth will prevail and she will stay with her mother! Thank you and God Bless!
2days later.... Thanks to the prayer warriors! God was with us at the hearing yesterday, truth prevailed and little E. stays with Momma. Prayers for the alcoholic father that he finds Jesus.
Freda W.
James is the man the children prayed for that got the great Report back from pathology that there was no cancer. Thank you so much.
Pam D.
Hi brother. Please have your class pray for Sis Sandy R. She attend the Antioch UPC I believe. She sent me a message and asked me to have your class to pray for her as she has a brain tumor and just found out she has a tumor on her lung also. Here is what she said:
"I would ask you to share something with Bro Barlar's group if you don't mind. Someone brought me a Voice and I got the kids' prayer cloth out of it It came just as I needed it. It's been in my pillow ever since and i expect a good report from my first procedure on Tuesday. The faith of those children carries such amazing power. I can't wait to report back with a good report."
PRAISE REPORT! Remember Sandy R. that had the surgery for a brain tumor? She has a prayer cloth from The Voice. They got all of the tumor but had to address another tumor in her lung. The doc says he sees no need for surgery on the lung and feels confident the chemo will take care of it. God is awesome!
Tean N.
Bro. Barlar, I gave out 400 prayer cloths at the conference after I preached. Every team member from the US took one each. It was not enough, but I am so thankful that I had at least 400 to pass out. Thank you for your ministry. Last night healing service was awesome! Hundreds of people received instance healing. Some walked out of wheelchairs. Praise The Lord!
Lynne R.
Hey Jerry....wanted to let you know we got our prayer cloths! Soo very happy! Thank you soooo very much!! Sounds crazy, but I sleep with it now. I say my prayers and go to sleep holding it in my hand. I gave Rhetts to him as well & he said thank you very very much.